DC Electrical Systems are designed to run efficiently and therefore reliably, in the field however Vehicles, Vessels and Equipment operate outside design parameters as a result of degraded batteries, this leads to Inefficiency, Unreliability and Electrical Failures, increasing Maintenance and Repairs. All batteries Degrade and as they do, they cause Voltage Losses which place undue stress on the entire Electrical System and its components. Degraded batteries also run hotter due to elevated internal resistance, creating gas and electrolyte boil-off which are both Corrosive and Explosive, Megapulse is a Simple Solution.
VEES and HD648 are suitable for all types of batteries (except lithium and nicad).


Vees System
High Intensity Dual Pulse Battery Maintenance / Recovery System. Featuring: 1500 Ampere-Hours of conditioning capacity, a built-in IP65 splash-proof fuse housing with 5-amp mini blade fuse and 8mm fork terminals, cables reach terminals 850mm apart. Suitable for all applications using All variants of Lead-Acid batteries from 10Ah to 1500Ah capacity in any configuration. Please note: for applications using voltages & capacities above 1500Ah multiple units in series configuration can be installed.

HD 648
Heavy Duty, High Intensity Dual Pulse Maintenance/Recovery System. Featuring: 2000 Ampere-Hours of conditioning capacity, a built-in IP67 Waterproof Fuse Housing with a 5-amp mini blade fuse, Longer Cables that reach terminals 1050mm apart and 8mm Ring terminals. Suitable for All applications, using All variants of Lead-Acid batteries, from 10Ah to 2000Ah capacity, installed in Any/All configurations. Please note: For applications using voltages and capacities above 2000Ah, multiple units (in series configuration) can be installed.
How it works? | Download Catalog |
VEES and HD648 are a disruptive technology which significantly reduces electrical system Failures caused by Degrading batteries. VEES and HD648 employ a Patented Dual Pulse Algorithm to break down and Re-Energize inactive material clogging the battery plates, returning it to active duty enabling the electrical system to function at Full Voltage, Efficiency and Reliability and the Battery last up to 3 Times Longer than the average Service Life.
VEE System and HD648, employ a Microprocessor controlled, Patented Dual Pulse Algorithm inducing a total of 10,600 pulses per second into the battery. The first 5300 pulses of current per second are extracted from the battery after which the finely tuned Pulse Wave is created and induced back into the battery at the same rate of 5300 per second. This highly efficient dual action targets crystallized inactive material, re-energizing it back into active service leaving the battery in as new condition. The high frequency and high intensity bi-directional pulses act as a Pace-Maker for the battery and the electrical system, restoring efficiency and reliability. VEES and HD648 use only 10mA of power which is derived from the battery, therefore no external power input is required. VEES conditions up to 1500Ah of battery capacity, while HD648 conditions up to 2000Ah of battery capacity. For battery banks of higher voltage or capacity, multiple units can be installed in series configuration to service banks of any voltage and capacity.
VEES and HD648 are suitable for all types of batteries (except lithium and nicad).
Application Industries



Transport & Fleet
